The mission behind MCATBros is to provide quality MCAT preparation materials for free or at a very affordable cost. Below, we have listed all of our free resources currently available. Many of these are also available in print-versions at cost if you prepare to work with booklets versus digital copies.
Sign up to become a subscriber of MCATBros for no cost and receive access to all of these free resources as well as emails containing valuable information relating to our pre-medical consulting and MCAT preparation services, MCAT preparation and medical school application tips, and much more!

Currently, at MCATBros, we are offering two tiers of services to pre-medical students: our Self-Studier Program and our Comprehensive Prep Program.
We ideally prefer if students reach out to us 2-2.5 years before they are planning to start medical school, and for these students we are able to work longitudinally and see a very very high chance of success, but we are also happy to work with and guide/support prep that is as short as 1 month to 3-4 months and have seen success with that too. Hence, we have designed two distinct programs with two different "types" of students in mind.
The Self-Studier program was designed for students who are looking for resource and MCAT test date recommendations and guidance on what to do daily throughout their MCAT prep.
Specifically, it is meant for students who are not seeking a follow-up throughout their prep and strongly believe that they do not require the accountability that comes with consistent follow-up and live instruction teaching.
Thus, this is a great program for students who are confident in their self-studying ability, do not require a lot of academic support, and are not looking for a comprehensive and holistic review of their candidacy for medical school/pre-med situation.
The Comprehensive Prep Program is designed for students who require long-term follow-up and support from the beginning to the end of their MCAT journey.
Further, this is designed for students who want the accountability of a prep course, with consistent follow-up with the founder of MCATBros and our exclusive members-only groups. Also, great for students who seek academic support and access to live-teaching regarding content and passage analysis strategy on various topics covered on the MCAT.
Lastly, this is also ideal for students who have concerns relating to their pre-medical journey and medical school applications and want personalized, long-term guidance.
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Contact Us
If you are interested in enrolling in one of our programs, please fill out the contact form below!
Within this message, please provide us with a brief introduction of yourself, including (but not limited to)...
An overview of your pre-med journey
Your GPA
Your degree(s)
MCAT score(s) (diagnostic and/or older scores)
Goal MCAT score
Desired MCAT study length and time availability
What your MCAT concerns are
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Fill out Our Questionnaire and Submit it to Us
After contacting us, we will send you our detailed questionnaire for you to fill out.
Our detailed comprehensive questionnaire includes 50+ questions that allow us to learn more about you to help build a plan that will help you be in the best position to succeed!
Questions include, but are not limited to, your GPA, extracurriculars, MCAT diagnostic and goal score, study hours available, time-frame for studying, the type of learner you are, resources you have or want to use, and your budget.
Please complete this questionnaire as soon as possible and send it back to us!
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Submit Payment
After you have completed and submitted our questionnaire, please submit your payment to MCATBros.
Currently, we do not offer financing plans for our programs, so please submit your payment in full following the completion of your questionnaire
As of right now, we are accepting payment for our services through Venmo (@MCATBros).
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Receive Schedule and Book Phone Consultation
Once we have received both your questionnaire and payment, we will begin working on your schedule.
Considering our schedules are incredibly personalized and include daily assignments for practice problems, practice exams, resource and test day recommendations, our schedules have a turnaround time of ~7 days.
Once you have received a schedule from us, we can then book a phone consultation where we will discuss the intricacies of your schedule, why we have made the recommendations we made, how to best utilize the schedule and any other concerns you may have.
As mentioned above, the first step to working with MCATBros involves contacting us and providing us with a brief introduction of yourself. You can contact us on our email below.
We look forward to working with you!